Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lithuanians - educated nation!

In this blog post I will give you some interesting information about Lithuanians’ education. Statistics show that we are very educated! 

In Lithuania almost everyone enters a university, some other higher education institution or college after finishing school. Only 7% of 18-24 years old people do not study anywhere after finishing school in Lithuania. The average of EU (European Union) is 15%. The number of universities in Lithuania is very high for such a small country.  Lithuania is 1st in EU by the number of university graduates each year! 30% of Lithuanians (25-64 years old) have university degree. It is more than the average of EU!

Is it good for Lithuanians that almost everyone can get university degree? Not really… University degree is not such valuable as it should be. Someone of important people (I don’t remember who) working in Vilnius university once publicly said that in Lithuania even idiot can get a university degree…

When so many lawyers, economists and managers (most popular studies in Lithuania) graduate universities, it is imposible for all of them to find jobs… So university graduates emigrate. I know many young Lithuanians who have studied in Lithuanian universities, some of them even have master’s degree, and now they do simple jobs abroad and do not use their skills. Lithuania pays for education that nobody needs…

What about the quality of higher education in Lithuania? The funding for one student in Lithuania is one of the lowest in EU, so you can imagine the quality… Surveys show that Lithuanian employers are most unsatisfied in Europe about the quality of higher education. 32% of Lithuanian employers strongly disagree that graduates of higher education institutions have skills necessarry for work.

And one more positive interesting fact :) Lithuanians are in 2-3 place in Europe by the knowledge of foreign languages. 66% of Lithuanians speak two or more foreign languages.


  1. what idiot wrote this article????

  2. Difficult to study in Lithuania. And not every idiot gets a university education.

  3. Anonymous No.1, one of the graduates of Lithuanian university :)))
    Anonymous No.2, is it difficult? Where do you study? I believe that some studies are difficult, but most of them are not ;)

  4. As a student from Lithuania, i'd say the article is very accurate, its fairly easy to enter atleast some university, its almost impossible to get thrown out and the education quality is abysmal.

  5. LT Diplomas and skills gained from formal university study find no recognition abroad (un)fortunately so young graduates are forced into non or low-skilled jobs
