Thursday, March 24, 2011

Lithuanian women power!

Lithuanian women have what to be proud of:
  • In Lithuania women gained equal political rights in 1919 (in France – 1945, in international law - 1948).
  • Lithuanian women are more educated than in any other EU (European Union) country. 92,3% of Lithuanian women (25-64 years old) have secondary or higher than secondary education. It is the highest rate in EU!
  • 59% of Lithuanian students in universities and colleges are women.
  • In 2010 21,800 or 65% of all graduates who finished higher education institutions in Lithuania were women.
  • In 2009 69% of all master’s degree graduates in Lithuania were women.
  • President of Lithuania is a woman - Dalia Grybauskaite.
  • Lithuania is among the leaders in the world by the number of working women.
  • But… in private sector wages of men were 20,5% higher than wages of women, in public sector men’s wages were 13,1% higher than women’s wages in 2009.

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