Monday, February 21, 2011

Myth about Lithuanian girls: you can buy any girl you want

Lithuanian girls have really bad image. That’s sad… Most of foreigners who come to Lithuania think that here they can buy any girl they want. And they are honestly surprised when they realize that it’s myth…

Why do Lithuanian girls have such bad image? Maybe because many prostitutes from Eastern Europe work abroad… Maybe because foreigners hear rumors from their friends how easy is to find a woman for one night in Lithuania… I can explain you where those rumors come from.

I live in Vilnius. I know some places (bars, clubs) that are popular among foreigners. So I don’t go there. Why should I spend evening trying to avoid some persistent guys who believe they can buy me? Let’s think. What girls go to these bars and clubs popular among foreigners? Of course those who want to find a wealthy foreigner! You know how it is in a market: if there is demand, will be supply. Foreigners meet those girls and imagine that they represent all Lithuanian girls! Do you seriously believe that “normal” girls spend their weeknights in bars filled with tourists???

A few times I was accused that I am a very unfriendly person. Because I ignored tourists who tried to ask me something. Well, I have my reasons why sometimes I just pretend that I don’t speak English. I can tell you a story what can happen if we stop when foreigner is asking something…

Once me and my friend were walking in the old town of Vilnius. A  foreign guy came by and started to talk to her and invited her to have coffee with him. My friend told that she was not interested, but the guy was very persistent. We tried to ignore him, but he followed us for about an hour! He just followed us! My friend honestly didn’t know what to do, so she called her boyfriend and we went to his office. The clingy foreigner followed us until we entered the building. Thanks god he didn’t entered it, because my friend’s boyfriend was ready to have with him serious conversation…

Another example of foreigners’ opinion about Lithuanian girls. A few years ago I met a guy. He was not Lithuanian, but temporally lived in Vilnius. We went on dates a few times. And one evening he got very angry because I didn’t sleep with him. He said something about how he paid for pizza and wine… WTF? Seriously? You thought that you can buy me for food???

So I hope that this blog post will help you to understand that not all Lithuanian girls are for sale :) And I also hope you understand now why sometimes Lithuanian girls are not very friendly - we just had to deal with some freaky foreigners before :) 


  1. well, i've heard that girls in vilnius ar bigger bitches than for example in kaunas or klaipėda. But people from other country thinks that they can get any girl in lithuania because of that we're near russia ;D there're maany bitches

  2. I believe girls are the same in all cities. And I have nothing bad to say about Russian girls.

  3. Visur visokiausių pilna :) Nors mano nuomone merginos dabar labiau "vyriškėja". Tai bent jau man atrodo :)

  4. Please comment in English :) Most visitors do not understand Lithuanian ;)

  5. Jim T, Show-Me StateFebruary 23, 2011 at 6:39 PM

    I am glad to see that everybody dislikes creepy foreigners.

    It is too bad that your friend's boyfriend didn't get to have that conversation with that guy.

  6. Jim T, everybody dislikes creepy people, it does not matter if it is Lithuanian or foreigner :)

  7. Jim T, Show-Me StateFebruary 24, 2011 at 5:07 PM

    I used to work in a occupation which required me to travel around the world. I was always very mindful that I was a guest of every person in that country. I would always try my best to be polite and lawful. I have no problem with a country that expects its visitors to respect its laws and culture.

  8. you can't buy any girl, but you can buy any girl WITH LOTS OF money, I would better said. And it's not just a rumor, it's from experience what I've seen past years. Sad, but true.

  9. ANY girl? Really? You can't say that because you don't know all the girls ;)

  10. what kind of personality do typical lithuanians woman have?

  11. Lithuanian women are very feminine. They are kind and calm.

  12. Lithuanian women are also friendly ;)

    1. I am seeing one girl from Lithuania i met on the street she is young kind and sexy..we both like each other...what i will do

  13. Hi Agne

    The company I work for has an office in Vilnius and I have a team there that I manage. I've visited a couple of times recently and I love the city and the people. My team are some of the nicest people I've ever worked with. It's a shame that you feel like that about tourists. Sometimes we might be saying hi just to be friendly

  14. Stephen, I understand that most of the tourists are really just friendly people who want to say hi or to ask something. But after experiences I described, I really became very suspicious :)

  15. I understand why, I just think it's a shame. I don't ignore all Lithuanians just because there's a massive skinhead who hangs around in the old town and has threatened me both times I've visited ;)
    Anyway nice site, very interesting. I'm back in Vilnius in May for work and I'm looking forward to it already. I'll have to rely on the team to take me to the bars that aren't full of creepy tourists and then I won't feel bad about smiling :)

  16. I hope you will have a great time in Lithuania ;)

  17. I have done both times so far. While you're there and answering mails, could you tell me what are the most popular TV shows in Lithuania and who are the biggest stars. Ate there any very popular shows for children ?

  18. Actually I very rarely watch TV, so it's hard for me to comment this topic. I looked at the newspaper where ratings of TV shows are published and it says that most popular shows are "Ziurim, ka turim..." (Let's See What We Have... - I have never watched this one), "Zvaigzdziu duetai" (Duets of Stars - singing show), "Valanda su Ruta" (Hour with Ruta - talk show), "Choru karai" (Wars of Choruses - singing show). I don't think we have very popular TV shows for children in Lithuania...

  19. lithuania is the best country in the world.the girls are the very very beutifull in the world .ismael from morroko

  20. I am not a tourist, but a permanent foreign resident in vilnius. if we forget about drunk girls in nightclubs what is left? how can a normal man meet a normal Lt girl? I found social contacts extremely difficult outside the fake alcohol world

  21. Yes, social contacts are extremely difficult. But this problem is in all the world, not only in Lithuania. People are becoming more and more lonely... I have no answer for you, only question for myself: how can Lithuanian girl meet a normal man??? :)

    1. Hi I live in Malta and last year I met a Lithuanian woman from klaipeda. Trust me I never thought that such woman still exists. She's respectfully loving kind and there are no words I can describe how much we are happy together and in love.

  22. hello Agne,
    thanks a lot for all those comment's, they are really quite helpfull, would you please provide me with some more information:
    1. Which night clubs are most tourist friendly or let me say will be visited by many foreingers in VILNIUS?
    2. what is the price of this air balloon per hour?

  23. 1. Brodvejus

    2.About 400 LTL.

  24. Hello Could you tell me what's the custom when asking a girl to marry you. Should you normally ask her parents first for permission?

  25. Just ask the girl, you don't have to ask parents ;)

  26. hmm I always thought the European custom was to ask her Parents.

  27. Hey, can i just say, when i told my workmates that i was dating a lithuanian girl, this was their exact opinion, "So how much did you pay for her then" the sad reality is that people do stereotype, and quite frankly it gets very hurtful at times, i have to put up with this abuse at work all the time, i do not tell my girlfriend about this because im afraid if i do, she will not agree to marry me in 2 weeks when i fly back to Kaunas to see her

    she is so scared of being stereotyped in england when she comes over to live with me, she does not know im going to ask her to marry me, but if i told her these things and she said no when i ask her in 2 weeks, i will be heart broken

    this girl is far more incredible than any other english girl i have ever had a conversation with, she is beautiful inside and out, with her only bad side reserved for the bedroom ;)

    she is a one in a million to me, and i travel a 1000 miles every month to see her for a few days whilst she finishes her degree in kaunas, i would gladly do that than just settle for some english skank that snorts cocaine and drinks herself to sleep every saturday night, english women are unfaithful and ignorant and shallow these days, very much like american women, its a culture thing, of all my girlfriends female friends i have met, all of them are kind well mannered and in absolutely no way at all willing to drop their underwear for foreign money, dont get me wrong they find foreign guys charming, but from personel experience, do not offer to pay for everything, they get offended and think you are just trying to buy them,

    its a beautiful country with a lot of beautiful women, the whole stereotyping comes from western ignorant men, and i apologise on behalf of the decent guys like myself, who would give anything to love and treasure you

  28. What a nice story :) I hope she will agree to marry you :)

  29. I think its also a bit unfair on foreigners, I plan to visit vilnius in June. been told the city is very nice from a lithuanian girl here in Munich. Just friends. I am british and would hope that people are civil there and would be nice to meet someone who would be willing to show me around. I am British by the way and not to be accused as a beer swilling thug

  30. As an Englishman I am proud of the good things about my people and country but I am very ashamed and embarrassed of some aspects of it to.
    Though many of us are polite to others – we then critasize and blame ‘behind their backs’. We do this to our own and we do this to others – it’s our aggression without confrontation. We like to take a dislike and then try to justify afterwards.
    What worries me more are the people who aren’t even polite to the face!
    I have had many conversations with people who can’t be reasoned with because they just don’t want to see reason because they want someone that they can bully (in their fantasies at least).
    My girlfriend is Lithuanian and we are hoping to live together and it worries me how she will cope living in the UK on a permanent basis.
    She is lovely and we have deep affection for each other and naturally I feel protective of her.
    Now when someone says that All Eastern Europeans or all Lithuanians are all these bad things it makes me very angry because they are – without even knowing her - slurring her name.
    Immigration has been a subject which has featured very much in the UK media over recent years and has stirred much resentment, I don’t remember it being like this 20 years ago (apart from racial bigotry that is – another story).
    I have my own views on immigration and its control but hating someone for just trying to work hard for the same things as you have in your own country can’t be right!

  31. Can you please direct me to a country where you can? (kidding...)

  32. Well I'm just an ordinary happily married man who likes different sort of holidays to my wife ( I hate sunbathing by hotel swimming pools)and I'm about to drive around and explore Baltic countries. After reading this lot I'll be slow to talk to any women at all just because I'll be worried what they are thinking I;m trying to buy them .... Jeeeeezzzzz

  33. Good. That will leave the hotties for me.

  34. I'm sorry you've had such experiences with foreign men although I did hear such things when I visited Kaunas and Vilnius while backpacking the region in January. As I am female, it was easier for me to speak to people and it seems that a lot of the worst people are the British for this kind of thing. Most Americans don't know enough to have stereotypes beyond Russian (although they do think all of the former Soviet Union is Russian).

    In my experience, Lithuanians are a generally friendly lot if a bit quiet at first. It did take a little effort for people to stop worrying about their accent in English despite I was in their country and could only manage basic phrases like 'please' and 'thank you' in Lithuanian. Of course I was not attempting to purchase anybody and preferred to speak with people as much as I could based on language.

    All I can say is to not clump all of us English speaking foreigners together. While we can be a touch loud at times (Us Americans definitely qualify), we can be quite friendly. Just avoid the ones that smell like alcohol from down the street.

  35. Hi Lynn,
    I had many angry comments from foreigners about this blog post. Of course I understand that not all tourists are some maniacs ;) But it's enough to be followed by a creepy foreigner once to become paranoiac :D

  36. Please don't take what I said as angry as it is understandable that with some bad experiences that it is difficult to interact. I'm originally from Chicago, so we have a lot of people from many places and many tourists, so I know many of the stereotypes and have had my own bad experiences with tourists with no mind of where they are.

    Keep in mind that until I toured Eastern Europe, I had never actually seen a British stag party, which seems to be a major source of the worst kind of tourist. Once men drink too much alcohol they seem to think like morons. It was quite terrible in Riga, so I can imagine that Vilnius has the same problems as European airfares are very cheap and the cost of most things are much cheaper in Lithuania than they are in the US, UK etc.

    It's quite a shame you have the problem of obnoxious guys stalking you. Even worse that they think any woman can be bought just because there are a few women who are prostitutes (as in any country). Unfortunately there are men like that everywhere, even when not on holiday.

    But best to hear from the more normal people since it is always the bad ones you remember. :)

  37. Dear Agne, I am a foreigner living in Vilnius since you were barely a schoolgirl . I know Lithuania even better than Lithuanians and of course I know local females. You,my dear, are a typical Lithuanian ; once in your life has happened to you that a stupid foreigner has shown his dumbness (who is so stupid to follow a person who clearly dislikes him for more than one hour?) and from this moment THAT one has became the stereotype of foreigners in Lithuania. As always, the reality lays in the middle : it is true that a huge part of foreigners do believe that Lithuanian females are easy to buy. It's part of their ignorance if they believe that all of them are on sale. But it is also true that a lot of local female ,aged from 16 to 50 y.o. are on sale because they have no jobs, no perspectives, they were beated repeteadly by a local drunk male or simply they love easier life. Every person is different , every story is different: your worst national blemish is shortsighting mixed with stereotypism.
    Thanks for your kind attention.

  38. That's true!! It is useless follow LT girls, I am italian and I have lot of friends (but girl) here :)) so I ever choose russian and polish girls for have a dating :)
    ciao ciao :)

  39. I go in Lithuania since 1993 and I think that often the bitches comes from russia ...

    But I think that if you are looking for a dirty woman, you can find her in all over the world...

  40. Dear LT-Girl
    you criticize stereotype view of foreign tourist on LT-females just by using exactly the same means. Still agree with you as most of men arrived to LT for their first time, act like they could have any woman they see on the street. Why? The beauty of lithuanian women combined with sublimed-sexiness, their hair, the way they're dressed. They arrived at Airport and take a taxi to the Centre. Not-so-posh parts of the city they see along the way strengthen their dominant wealthy position they quickly created in their own minds. They finally start feeling themselves rich! Well. Girls on the streets and at the bar might look interested at them. They start feeling themselves attractive. Poor men. Fortunately this illusion will not last long and once they've been rejected 3-4 times on the streets "heartbroken" they get back to normal. Next day they realised the ammount of money they spent at the night bars didn't buy them anything but hangover and hole in the pocket.
    Lynn, is LT really less expensive than US/UK? I don't really think so ( dentists not incl.)

  41. To the big discussion about how Agne's experiences are overblown... even if it is a stereotype, there is likely some truth. I know based on my own experiences that many visitors to Eastern Europe act boorish at best and it is enough to bring bad will. It does not help to brush off an honest feeling or experience.

    While I evaded any groups in Vilnius, I had to fend off the come ons from Brits in Riga and I'm American and was able to tell them off in the most colorful examples of our version of the language. I spoke with some local women and they try to avoid the city center in the peak seasons because it is a constant problem for them. It's said enough where there has to be at least some truth to it.

    And everyone stereotypes. I got more than a few dumb American comments. And not all brits are drunken buffoons on their holiday. While Lithuanians can be extraordinarily pessimistic on their situation, there are plenty of good people to be found- just like everywhere else on this strange little planet.

    To the person asking about costs in the US (you need someone from the UK for that country) Lithuania is overall cheaper, but it is not enough to help with low Lithuanian wages.

  42. Dear Lynn
    even London is cheaper when it comes down to good quality for money foods and clothes. You just need to avoid dumb-tourist routes.
    Also do not forget that most Lithuanians have very different habit of spending their money.
    Most of them never pay any rent as they live with their parents till they married. So feel free to add to their low wages a grand or so which they don't need to spend on rents. Most lithuanians do not travel a lot for their money. Not because they can not afford it, just because there is post soviet habit to go to a sea-side once a year for a week or so. Lithuanins who live in UK for 5 or 10 years and have money to travel anywhere usually only go to visit their relatives in Lithuania. There is no genuine interest in learning about other cultures or history. So you should not be surprised if you don't see many LT at museums or galleries, despite there are so many of them visible on the streets. So much of money spend on travelling. Lithuanians tend to go abroad for work and not for pleasure, so they only feel really relaxed once they are home with their family. People from periodically-dependant and never-really-wealthy small-country just can't be big or be satisfied with money they have, no matter how much it is.. Go abroad, work hard, save money, bring it to your family, feel proud. In this order. Small-thinking is also creating barriers in their minds, so not many of them have made a career abroad. Blame it on the geography?

  43. it is stereotypes but anyway it hurts. some people have no heart... why do they think that the can judge others without knowing them. ...but why did i ask it i think that THEY DO NOT THINK just talk.

  44. May I just say that I have lived in London for a long time with my mother and not once did anyone assume we were easy or skanky or slutty. It depends on how you carry yourself. To be honest, some of the outfits and make- up that Eastern European girls wear just to go to the supermarket make them look sad and desperate. I understand and agree that everyone should dress how they want, but they should also be prepared for consequences as well. If you dress like a slut and wear evening make up in the day time, you will look trashy. That's that. No need to complain then when men do not take you seriously. Anyway, look on the bright side, all those pathetic foreigners hitting on you in Vilnius, Kaunas or Klaipeda are the last hope for Lithuanian esonomy as tourism in Lithuania, as many other sectors, is pitiful.

  45. Some Lithuanian girls really wear too short skirts and too much make up. Sometimes it's -20 C and girls wear huge coats. But beauty still shines and draws unwanted attention ;)

  46. Well I would just like to say that I met a very beautiful Lithuanian girl in Ibiza ... who is not only beautiful on the outside, but on the inside as well. I'm English and when I first met her she told me she does not like English guys because they are always drunk and causing trouble ... an opinion unfortunately I would have to agree with, we have a very bad reputation abroad:( However her opinions have now change as she sees that these idiots are a minority in my country but gain the majority of the reputation abroad. My point here is that sometimes with a label being attached to certain people from certain countries or backgrounds, badly educated and ignorant people believe in what they hear because of the label they have heard most about. My view is that you should always explorer and experience things for yourself and come to your on conclusion in how you think and feel ... and do not pay attention to myth and rumour. I'd like to finish by saying that the Lithuanian girl I'm with now is the light of my life and I would do anything for her and her family , because they are all very special to me. :) Hope all is well in Lithuania today :)

    Regards Steve F

  47. Its unfortunate that Lithuania has got into the stag party circuit... as soon as I say Im British I follow up with an apology, as a lot of British when drunk do act like scum and its just embarassing.

    I met a couple of Lithuanians while walking in Spain this summer and I must say they were brilliant! Ok realise cant judge from two, but you arent the most diplomatic people in the world and after initial shock it was incredibly refreshing to know what someone thinks about you, they were open, honest and a great laugh (and soon found out never to try to keep up with a Lithuanian girl when it comes to drinking :) )

  48. I'm a young Canadian guy with a Lithuanian girlfriend. Spent a lot of time in Lithuania. It's my favorite place in Eastern Europe.
    The people are charming, civilized, and the prices are very low.

    Vilnius is a rather tame city compared to other Eastern European capitals, if you stay away from the Uzupis district and from the train station, you'll generally cut out a lot of seedy individuals.

    If you're looking for something less than a relationship, I think you should stick to the coast, this is where the tourists flock to. There are many vendors of flesh in Palanga, and if you're up to Latvia, in Riga.Palanga and Riga are also wild party towns if you know where to go.

    My experience with Lithuanian women, having dated a few of them, on and off, for 3 years, is that they are quite brittle. One bad impression, as has been pointed out, will be enough to turn a woman off from something for years. On the other hand, like other Eastern European women, Lithuanian girls can easily fall in love at first sight. It's an interesting duality.

    Lithuanians have a lot of pride in themselves, and it is easily insulted. If you treat their country and way of life as normal (even when it isn't sometimes - lots of propaganda around if you have the eye to see it) then you'll generally cut out ok.

    There are enough drunk assholes in Eastern Europe to go around, like in any other country, you need to stand out as something special to catch a woman's eye. To be special, you jut need to be a bit kulturny, that's it. Talk about something else except your next drunk. If you can't do that, you can always find a woman for hire in the downtown after midnight. Relatively inexpensive, even after gouging.

    It also seems to me that the Lithuanians have rigid gender roles in their expectations (Don't expect the lass to pay for dinner, because she wont.... ever, and don't expect her to carry anything at all. She wont. lol ). It can be annoying to a North American expecting a bit more equality in a relationship, but it can also be endearing to someone longing for a traditional lifestyle.

  49. Interesting thought about propaganda! Where did you see it???

  50. I like your way of using demand/supply to support your point. You are probably an business major :)

  51. Hmm. It's hard to answer about the propaganda in a way without provoking offense. My degree is in Eastern History and Politics, and I've traveled a lot in some parts, and have lots of friends, and ex girlfriends from this part of the world. I feel I've got as full an experience of what things are like over there as I can get without travelling more.

    With that said, since I've been exposed to all these different perspectives and angles, and spent a lot of time studying them all, it's very clear to me when something is being used to make a specific point, or a certain message. I guess you're a journalist, so maybe you came across the term "semiotics", some of that is in play too.

    I felt a very strong nationalistic spirit in a lot of places in Lithuania. I'm not using that word in a negative way, I just want to point it as a fact of my experience. For instance, the museums had a lot of displays and signs directed at conveying nationalistic messages, rather than historical.

    In a North American museum signage is very unobtrusive, used simply in most cases to define an artefect and it's place in the historal horizon.

    In Eastern Europe the museums very clearly want you to understand that the Russians did villainous things to the local populations. Again, I am not saying that as a negative thing to do, I'm describing the fact.

    The issue would be that there are very few exhibits or displays that catalogue local cooperation with the Soviet imposed regimes. There is a very strong impression that history stopped in 1945, and began newly in 1991. Of course, this is a vast generalization, there are some exceptions to this, but still, it's very noticeable to a western educated eye. Let's not even mention the lack of treatment of more dark images of the Eastern European past, for instance, collaboration with the Nazis in many countries.

    Aside from obvious indicators like this, there are tonnes of little things that stand out if you're looking for it. For instance, in war cemeteries in the baltic states, the dead of the anti-bolshevik wars in the 1920's have graves that are generally clean and well tended too, whereas the Soviet dead of the Second World War (in some cases buried next to the anti bolshevik fighters) have relatively disordered graves. This again is a vast generalization, and there are lots of exceptions, but it's something that stands out from a North American perspective, where all graves are generally treated equally.

    Wow, I'm writing a lot of comments on this site lately. It's becoming an obsession, you're making me miss Lithuania!

    Probably doesn't help that one of my best friends is a Lithuanian Agne (Kaunas) :D

  52. Hi Agne, I have noticed it is not only for Lithuanian girls like that but generally for girls from Eastern Europe; I myself am from Ukraine but I grew up abroad. To be honest some guys I met didn't care at all if I was from Ukraine or not but many times some men (especially older ones) thought I would sleep with them for money or that I was easy...Worst is when a man who could be your (grand)father starts hitting on you and following you just because of your country of origin. It made me feel so uncomfortable and sad that when people asked where I am from I wouldn't admit I was from Ukraine. The fact I was born to Ukrainian mother and father made most of my part-time jobs unbearable. I know though that some girls from Eastern Europe are looking for a wealthy man from another country, some of them don't care much about love at all just money. I believe it is a problem how some girls like that represent Eastern countries, it is honestly a shame Eastern Europe has a tag *Mail order Brides*.
    Right now I have a bf who is from UK. We have been dating for 2 years now, I am really scared people will think badly of me if we move in together and if we eventually marry.

    P.S. I am actually in Vilnius right now as an Erasmus exchange student. I saw many girls weren't wearing make-up and I was wondering if it is accustomed to not wear make up; I am just trying to fit in =)

  53. Hi, Anna :) How do you like Vilnius?
    Wearing make up is your choice. Some girls wear it, some don't. But I believe you agree that too much make up during daytime looks... cheap :)

  54. Hello all,

    I'm an English guy dating a Lithuanian girl and have actually recently met and fallen in love with another Lithuanian girl. Just what is it about your country women that attracts me so? I've got my own ideas and at the same time no idea at all! But I would like to hear what people here have to say about Lithuanian girls in a romantic sense: what do you think they look for? What makes them tick? Do they do love at first sight?
    Interested to hear your thoughts..

  55. Hello, English guy ;)
    Every girl is different, I can't give the answers you ask for :)
    What is with you and Lithuanian girls???? :D

  56. Howdy, Agne
    I was reading the blog and I'm shocked. I'm an American who's black or (dark skinned). How do I actually meet a normal girl there?

  57. Just try to be special and stand out from the crowd to get an attention of a Lithuanian women, it doesn't matter whether you're black green or yellow. If you're creative you will find your way to any womens heart.

  58. I'm Italian have a lot of friends in Vilnius, girls mostly, but never i heard something about "easy" girls.
    All people that I know are good girls, don't stupid and good friends :)

    But it's true, a lot of people go to Lithuania becasue they heard about free girls. But it's not true...not in Vilnius :)

  59. I have not been everywhere but where I have been I have noticed that some girls are easy and some are not. Likewise some guys are gentlemen and some are not. Religion and nationaly is playing less and less of a role. The real question is how to redine modern relationships and where physical relations fit into them. Outdated moral codes have affected whether a girl expects to be treated with respect and whether a guy treats a woman with respect. People are realizing the world over that where you were born does not define how much respect you should expect and/or receive.

  60. Hi!
    I am an american and have a girlfriend whom is from lithuania. We have been together for over 2 years and are in our 30's with regards to age. We presently live in new york. She has said many things about what men do and how they treat thier girlfriend and vice versa in lithuania. I'm trying to understand. Is there a blog or site where i can find more info or discuss this topic? Thank you my name is John.

  61. I have a lithuanian girlfriend. we are in our 30's and have been together for over 2 years now. We currently live in New York. She has been very vocal about what men do and dont do for their girls and wives in lithuania. Especially with what is expected of a man. I'm trying to understand is there a blog or place where i can discuss this topic? Thank you,John

  62. It's Sad guys. I hate the stereotyping on eastern europeans and they do it in Greece as well. Am Greek good looking educated wealthy with manners and i had a choice of girls whther greek english american italian slovakian lithuanian. All girls are the same every girl in the world is looking the same things its not Lithuaniansor Grees or .... every girl is looking for a nice guy security etc... Lithuanian guys are not bad guys but obvisously they hate to see foreigners to intereact with their girls its normal as greek people would hate greek girls to interact with foreigners. But its life. Its normal to fall in love with somebody form different nationality its human. I never put those barriers even if my parents would love it for me to marry a greek girl. Although yes lithuanian girls are feminine and sexy and thats what makes them very attractive. TO make the long story sort. I agree that lithuania and other eastern european countries have a bad name because of russia and ukraine. and most people are ignorant they know what they have heard. People dont even know where lithuania is. SO you shouldnt worry about reputation if you are the way you suppose to be then.... nobody can say shit about you. i l ie this blog good job Agne

  63. Silly Guys. I am glad at least someone is able to stand up to their vane immaginations about Luthian Girls. Lithuania Girls are not for sale and they will never ever be for sale. They are the most decent and resectful peopel I have ever met. Very dignified in their ways and handlings. Respect!!!!

  64. Labas
    well it is very sad- there bad people all over the palce - i have been to Lietuvos quite a few times but my girlfriend is Lietuvos so i don try to speak to other women.
    men from england can be a bit like what your post says best to say fuck off- dickbrain if he trys to get more then to say hello-
    from aenglish heart be save stay in twos be strong not all males are dick heads

  65. Im a girl who lives in Norway, I went to work in a restaurant and the waitress from Lithuania was suppoused to teach me where things were, but she spoke so fast and didnt make me feel welcome, I understood that she didnt want me there, later I understood why: she had an affair with the Italian owner, who was actually married with someone else. It was very easy to see they were having an affair as they were not discrete.
    One day I gave a tour to a Lithuanian girl here who asked me about having kids in Norway: what are the benefits and etc. It seemed like she was planning to take advantage of Norwegian government.
    So, what do you want me to think about Lithuania after those 2 experiences? If you are scared of tourists after 2 bad experiences you had, then you should agree with me when Im scared of Lithuanian women because they are gold diggers.


  66. Just been there on a stag do and found the girls to be beautiful and very nice to chat to. No trouble or thoughts of buying them just having a laugh and treat them like a woman.

  67. Labas.
    Sorry agne but i have had bad experiences with lithuanian girls too. I am with my lithuanian boyfriend three years and very happy. Lithuanian women from his family have been kind to me but friends and women i do not know have been cold towards me. They are very much into their appearance and his male friends were surprised i joined in on thir outings and not staying in doing my hair and nails. I also seen a few girls leave their very nice boyfriends for richer guys. Sorry to say it but being honest.

  68. I am certainly fascinated and intrigued by Lithuania. In fact it is probably one of my priorities to visit that country later this year.

    I am a New Zealand citizen but born in Malaysia but have a fluent kiwi accent having lived there my whole life. While holidaying in Thailand and taking a 12 hour bus journey from Bangkok to Phuket a Lithuanian gal started flirting with me and we ended up talking for most of the journey. In my eyes she was friggin hot, pettit, and had a smoking body but thats a bonus because I fell in love with her personality.

    We spent 3 nights together and had so much fun at Ko Phi Phi. Unfortunately she just got out of a long term relationship and she wants to take things slowly.

    Frankly, I would be devastated and deeply heartbroken if I lost her and I could only think of being with Lithuanians if we went our separate paths. Long distance relationship sux but I am determined to make it work.

    She says a lot of Lithuanians go to England to find work because it is hard to make a living in Lithuania. I'd certainly like to know more about Lithunian gals, culture, how they perceive guys and foreigners and how to maintain a relationship with them.

    Email me


  69. People love to see their national team win in football, athletics, etc.

    Even if it's just another person from their country who has been recognized as the best in some job or has won an award somewhere.

    This makes them feel superior to others. Even though they themselves are fat stupid obnoxious pigs who sit in front of TV all day and will never be anything in life.

    The other side of the coin is that news of accomplishments from foreigners makes them feel inferior. This type of news lowers their self-esteem as a national identity.

    That's why the things that they like to preserve in their minds are the negative stereotypes, that usually originate from the actions of a minority. Like: girls from that country are sluts, guys are drunks/hooligans, doctors are incompetent, politicians are corrupt, etc.

    They forget that they have the same sluts/weirdos in their own country and these stereotypes also make them feel better about themselves and superior to others.

    If an ugly/stupid girl sees that a local guy likes a foreign girl, she will probably say that men only like women for their looks and that he's only with the foreign girl because she gives him sex and all foreign women are sluts.

    Nobody wants to remember that Germans make great cars, Brazilians and Portuguese are very friendly, Italians are great designers, Japanese are very polite, etc etc.

    Guys who only go for women because of their looks and girls who only go for guys who have money, regardless of compatibility and personality are NOT going to have a very happy life...

    Choosing a partner wisely has nothing to do with their nationality, but only with YOUR INTELLIGENCE.

    So BE SMART!!!


  71. Well I don't think much of lithiaunian women, they r after money, found out my husband was having an affair with one in London, nothing to write home about, he paid her rent, furnished the flat, took her to Paris and guess what her family parents knew and they agreed with it because he money, they went to Vilnius twice and when I suspected I found her aunt and family on Facebook and they knew about it, so personally I think they have no morals ..... Not saying my husband was not at fault but she knew he was married.

    1. I found out my husband was cheating on me with one a uni lithiaunian girl. He's in the navy when i think he was base in to scoutland he was living with her in a flat. I even find out about her from my kids and when i ask him he say my kids where lying. She send facebook friend request for me so i can see her with my husband. They even went to greece for his birthday. And he lie about that to. She's given him money..(stupid girl )

  72. My story will astonish all here maybe. My girlfriend is 35 years old. Born in Ukraine moved to lithuania at the age of 9 years old. she is divorced with 2 children ages 11 (boy) 14 (girl). we had been together fo ronly a little over 2 years. She was very nice and sweet during the courtship stage. her mother petitioned her to come to the states before we had met. She arrived in new york last june. all was going fine for a few months. Then i noticed small things. she would suddenly have money from out of the blue.She started talking about how she is beautiful in a vain way. # weeks ago from out of left field she asked me could she work as a dancer in a club here. She works as an HHA home care attendant and one of her clients told her about a certain club. She had complained to the client about needing money. I told her no at first. But she begged and pleaded so... I said yes and gave her strict guidelines. Well, working in the club and getting all the attention made her even more vain. And when she had her first 250.00 dollar night, that sealed it .. She was hooked. Now she is brutally honest. She says she does sex acts ( of course) with no condom or protection, she thrives on the words and compliments these men give her whom frequent the club. She admitted to me that she needs many mens attention physically and mentally. if she had been truthful from the begining i would not be writing this.I'm still kind of shocked especially since she has 2 children and uses no protection or so she claims. Anyway theres more to this story but it seems some lithuanian women well, im not sure what to say after this.. Just sharing what happened to me very very recently.

  73. My story will astonish all here maybe. My girlfriend is 35 years old. Born in Ukraine moved to lithuania at the age of 9 years old. she is divorced with 2 children ages 11 (boy) 14 (girl). we had been together fo ronly a little over 2 years. She was very nice and sweet during the courtship stage. her mother petitioned her to come to the states before we had met. She arrived in new york last june. all was going fine for a few months. Then i noticed small things. she would suddenly have money from out of the blue.She started talking about how she is beautiful in a vain way. # weeks ago from out of left field she asked me could she work as a dancer in a club here. She works as an HHA home care attendant and one of her clients told her about a certain club. She had complained to the client about needing money. I told her no at first. But she begged and pleaded so... I said yes and gave her strict guidelines. Well, working in the club and getting all the attention made her even more vain. And when she had her first 250.00 dollar night, that sealed it .. She was hooked. Now she is brutally honest. She says she does sex acts ( of course) with no condom or protection, she thrives on the words and compliments these men give her whom frequent the club. She admitted to me that she needs many mens attention physically and mentally. if she had been truthful from the begining i would not be writing this.I'm still kind of shocked especially since she has 2 children and uses no protection or so she claims. Anyway theres more to this story but it seems some lithuanian women well, im not sure what to say after this.. Just sharing what happened to me very very recently.

    1. If true what you said I would love to have a slut gf like the ukraine girl, i think most guys do but not admit due to taboo of society.

  74. Well need I say more, how does a woman whose 32 look at an aging 53 year old with dodgy legs, come on its not rocket science, she was being paid for her services

  75. Mmmh Trollopes, what else would a 32 year old chef living in London want with a 52 year old marriage man with a dodgy leg, she saw the BMW's good job, free ride, she got paid for her services

  76. Lithuanian's, Hmm. Having been married to one for the past few years. I will give the following advice to anyone considering thinking of marrying or going out with one. All of those that I have meet including my wife and her friends expect a man to be the sole provider for the family. Don't expect her to contribute anything to normal expenses, this is the man's job. Her expense go to make her look good and keep her in make up and new clothes, shoes and bags. If you cant keep this side of the unsaid bargain expect cold treatment and even threats of divorce. In all sex doesn't feel like there is any emotionality involved and again seems more like a business arrangement then someone that seems to have genuine feelings for you. Lithuanian society seems to be very matriarchal which much of the control in Woman's hands. Honestly, they seem pleasant, kind and wonderful in the beginning but don't expect that to last. I myself and considering leaving the not so favourable business deal. Too much of a head ache and waste of time and money that can be better spent.

  77. A lithuanian girl who is a uni student living in portsmouth england. Break up a friend of mind marriage her name is karolina. And shes give my friend hudband money. So now i see what you all talking about.

  78. Tai buvo pirmas kartas kai lankiausi Trans. it was my first time in Lithuania. I'm an American learning the lithuanian language and i will go back to Vilnius to visit my girlfriend over there and explore the country even more since I was there only 6 days!!!! Here is a message to anyone who feel lithuanian women are rude and bitches: save your ignorance and western-bullshit for another country. You need to understand lithuanian women on a much more deeper level than just measly diet coke! The women are extremely beautiful, polite, cordial, cultural, reserved, and very much emotionally concealed. You need to get to know them. You MUST get to know them. oh, and splashing lithuanian women with fancy cars, food, wine, lots of jewelry, and tons of money will not convince them take off their panties and go to bed with you. sorry, ain't happening. it takes awhile to truly appreciate a lithuanian woman. They keep their guard on at all times. They will NEVER cheat on their man. They are loyal and faithful. DO NOT COMPARE THEM TO RUSSIAN OR UKRAINE WOMEN!!!! THEY GET ANGRY WHEN YOU DO THAT. They are independent. They are known to be one of the most incredible lovers on earth!

  79. I met my Lithuanian girlfriend at work. She is the most amazing person i ever met. I adore her and like all her Lithuanian friends too.

    There is something in Lithuania that is unique. I do not know what the reason is but all the people i meet there are friendly, respectful, kindhearted but still with this great sarcastic humor and energy to do things with the available time that keeps things fun and interesting.

    With her, everyday things are little adventures. When we go to the store, cook together, watch movies or just taking a drive. Being with her is enjoying time together in the here and the now.

    I have traveled around the world for a long time and even though every person is unique and one shouldn't stereotype, i think its kind of ok if the stereotype is positive.

    If you are truly looking for love and want to give your love, your devotion, respect and invested time in a great and fun relationship i say go to Lithuania.

    But remember, you reap what you sow. If you act disrespectful and creepy you will get avoided by all except those that want to profit off your creepiness.

    You see, Lithuanian women are strong. They rather stay single and focus on themselves than waste the time on the unworthy ( Native or Foreign men )

    Be a gentleman with a bit of a a fun naughty twist to it, and you might very well meet the girl of your dreams.

    Myself, im going to move to her to learn the language properly and dig deeper into what might be the thing that makes Lithuanians amazing, it just might spill over a bit on me too in the process.

    Wishing Luck and Love to all of you readers at the end of one year and the beginning of a new.

  80. My last girlfriend was a Lithuanian,

    I must say one of the most courteous people I came across, even able to understand my family setup. This is something I never expected on top of that, she adored me for who I am, let me and asked me to practice my religion too.

    Strong, fun loving females I say.

  81. All I can say is Lithuanian women are the most beautiful I have ever seen. Ditto for Latvian and Estonian women too. It's almost unfair how one small region of the world has a monopoly on all the beautiful women.

  82. I am a black man from South Africa. Last year I was in Lithuania three days. My friend from Vilnius showed me the Spa "East Island" in Forum Palace. There near us all time was administrator - blonde and sexy girl with very interesting name (I think her name was Egla). She looked very sexy and seductive. When I finished the visit at the SPA, I suggested Egla visit me in my hotel room. And this evening, she was with me and we spent a very hot night. Lithuanian girls are beautiful, hot and loves black people. In the SPA center I talked with Egla only 3 minutes but spent with her after this all night . I was happy

  83. do male lithuanian courtship a female.....are courrtship still in lithuania?

  84. Hi Agne,
    Please keep ignoring these pesky foreigners. Don't forget though that they don't represent the country they come from. There are decent people about everywhere, unfortunately, you just tend to see the ones who make a nuisance of themselves.
    Take care.

  85. If you want quick and easy sex come to England. Honestly. English girls are the easiest girls in the world to have casual sex with. I am NOT joking.

  86. Very nice blog :)
    But still I guess I can buy almost anything from money :p and if one market is closed in some town may be there are 10000 are open :)
    Best wishes
    from Dubai

  87. Help guys, I had also Lithuaina experince. Yes i sleep with 6 lithuanian girls ages between 28-43. I am 43 years old meanwhile. We can't say you caney buy lithuanian girls by money. Belive me i didn't spend money on the contraray some of them bring me some gifts from their country white there were visiting me. I am still in contact with my lithuanian girl friends. All they are very different characters. Olga has roots. She can classife like prostitute because she always goes clubs where foringers come often. She goes dates often . She says i am her best friend. When she visited me i did not spend money. She never asks gifts etc. She invited me her country her home after i boold flyghts she Said my home is not properly . When you come we can stay in spa . And she tryed to tease me alıngan with a few days .she Said she was pregnant . So i was scared i dont want any kids. I already have 2. At the end we are still friends but her fault is that she thinks marriage she dates much she wants marriage and kids she afraid . Vaida , she wad working for 1000 Euro per mount. I guess good money for lithuina She was 30 years old. Very clever . When she was my guest last night she wrote a nice letter and she left some money secretly in my home. i brought her to airport. After came home i saw tahts in my laptop. And she bought me a nice t-shirt. She wad so great. I will conti..

  88. Hahaha, what will happen if he enter that building.......I am an Indian and I live in Klaipeda and girl's are same like here like in my country and trust me every foreigner is not like that what you told above....

  89. I rode plenty of Litho burds and I enjoyed it. They always said labai aciu afterwards. I think the girls are very nice and unfailingly polite.

  90. I never been too lithuania, but i will go next year and stay 9 months. I dont belive girls are bitches, my grandmother and my grandfather were from Lithuania and they always told me that Lithuania was a really educated country.. but, are girls very difficult to talk with or they are just not easy to persuade?

  91. I never been to lithuania but my grandmother and my grandfather were form Lithuania and they always told me that it was a very educated country. Next year im going to Lithuania and i'll stay 9 months there, so i ask you , are Lithuanian girls very difficult to talk with or their just not bitches?

  92. Yeah most girls goes for guys who has the money that is true, you can say it out loud that they don't but when a guy with a sports car comes up to a girl we all know most would say "i am in" before the guy even finishes his sentence but like i said most girls not all of them and i mean everywhere. I am currently speaking to a Lithuanian girl for more than a year now and not even once did i ever had the thought about buying her over with something to just get her in bed because she is a wonderful lady and i really do respect that because she respects me some guys might think dude just get it done and over with but I see more of a long good relationship with such a beautiful woman to be more enjoyable than just a few minutes of fun. Doesn't matter where the person's from never stereo type you might be missing out on something nice.

  93. I have a Lithuanian fiancé for the past 5 years.
    I now, plan not to married her, but to leave our relationship.(there is a major gap in between our beliefs, and goals unfortunately)
    I cannot respond just for myself, but in my personal thoughts I have to say this:
    Lithuanian people are very hard working people, are fair, but tuff and extremely reserved people.(yes the girls are very beautiful BUT hard maintainace.
    Closed, not open minded, almost like a shell to a flower that needs to open very slowly.
    And this is not the nations fault as the country have been terrorised with the 2d world war, and under a brutal war.(hence the mentality)
    Not like us Portuguese who watch girls go by in the beach, easy going talk loud, and with everybody.
    It's the other side of Europe, and you can't just count with Lithuanian, but also Czechs, Polish, Hungarians are all quite reserved. I must say for years, I've been living in the uk and dealt with people from these countries. But, wait, now is the 21th century do things are slightly changing, and people are changing with the times? Hum..I really don't think so. It's just a thing of every nation. But we have to be humble, and accept. However, this may be just a stereotype, or just whatever. Just a tought..

  94. Is it true that there's a lot of single women in Lithuania because they are more succesful than men and because male population is 8% less than female population?

  95. I have been several times in Palanga, a small resort town in lithuanian coast, and I was surprised to see many beautiful young ladies walking alone, wearing very short pants or skirts and tight T-shirts. Some of them were really preety and not older than 18. I was told by lithuanian friends that their mothers force them to dress in that way to get attention from rich tourists, and then hopefully get married with one of those guys and travel to UK or Germany, because there is no future in Lithuania. Is that true?

  96. Hi everyone I'm tourist And i love vilnius
    Thats à amazing city And there are amazing People there. And i love girls there their eyes kill me every single Day when i go out but i dont like "buy" girls i like talk with Lithuania girls cause i like her voice And her mentality
    And when i can i pay food And drink to all my lithuanian friends because i like m'y friends And i dont wanna anything else

  97. Its sad but TRUE, sorry most Lithuanian women are cheap rubbish and have no morals - I know I married one! I have been to the heart of your country and from what I have seen it is almost universal - it is unfair to tar all with the same brush but majority are this way! Sadly - A serious man should stay clear!

  98. These are all the myths to say these sort of things about the developed county. I don't agree with these statements.

  99. My story.
    Be very careful of Lithuanian girls. I was in a relationship with a girl who came to London and ended up working for my company. We got on well and one thing lead to another. We starting seeing other secretly as I was married. During our relation, I gave her everything one could imagine as I was in Love. But unfortunately she had other plans :) I gave her over 45 thousand pounds during the 4 year relationship. Most of the money went in fixing her old home in village in Kaisiadoriu. I can even count how much I spend in presents,shopping etc
    There was no love it was all drama from day one. So a word of advice. They are super materialistic and selfish. Be careful and don’t ended up hurt like me.

  100. Hi Agne

    It was a pleasure to read your post, And I was thinking how rumors can damage the reputation regardless of it's accuracy...
    I am a foreigner who applied for graduate study in Lithuania and I'm very excited to go there and meat new people...
    And I want to ask you, if I want to start a serious relationship with a Lithuanian girl ,are they ok with the different cultures or it's just depend on the girl?...

  101. CONCLUSION: If you want to a wife, find a Lithuanian or east european woman. If you want a fun, find a western woman. In every society there are gold diggers. Maybe Lithuanian gold diggers are better than British gold diggers because they are more beautiful than british counterparts. But this doesnt change my opinion. Marriage = East Europen woman. The rest is risky fun.

  102. CONCLUSION: If you want to a wife, find a Lithuanian or east european woman. If you want a fun, find a western woman. In every society there are gold diggers. Maybe Lithuanian gold diggers are better than British gold diggers because they are more beautiful than british counterparts. But this doesnt change my opinion. Marriage = East Europen woman. The rest is risky fun.

  103. CONCLUSION: If you want to a wife, find a Lithuanian or east european woman. If you want a fun, find a western woman. In every society there are gold diggers. Maybe Lithuanian gold diggers are better than British gold diggers because they are more beautiful than british counterparts. But this doesnt change my opinion. Marriage = East Europen woman. The rest is risky fun.

  104. Is it safe city ?what there to see ?I wl be there on 13th April just for 3 night .any tips what do and see ?

  105. Is it safe city ?what there to see ?I wl be there on 13th April just for 3 night .any tips what do and see ?

  106. really nice write up, this is a very underrated city, had a blast there

  107. Is this blog still living? :) Me and my friend are visiting Vilnius this year for the 1st time. Like in our trips usually, we like to talk to girls a lot. And if there's something else, then even better. But I don't think that lithuanian girls can be bought. Sure gold diggers are everywhere. And I must say that there are a lot such girls in Russia and Ukraine. But I don't put Lithuania in same category. At least not yet... ;D

  108. Is this blog still active? I'm coming to visit Vilnius in two weeks. I'd like to get some information on where to go now.

    I'll be watching...


  109. even you went on date with forner it shows that you are a whore, only womens with no self respect dating forners it happends in countries which has strong russian culture influence like ukraine, belorussia, baltic states, if you go to scandinavia or west europe the girl will never date with forner( why? she can find a decent guy from her country same culture) unless she is decent looking, only fat ugly, pigs dating forners there because they have no choice u take what you can get, but post soviet countries are oposite even beautiful girls dating forners because they have no self respect and full of complexes, it will change when Lithuania become economicaly stronger and new generation will take over the market as i see a positive side in teenager girls they are completely different thinking than lithuanian girls aged 20-40

  110. Lithuanian girls are very beautiful but be careful; there are plenty of what Lithuanians call "Barrakudas", especially hunting for foreigners. Some signs of alert:

    - You met her in Vilnius and she is just playing around leaving you to pay the bills.
    - You started a relationship with her and then she is pushing you to move to Vilnius / Lithuania.
    - She is older than 35 and never had a long lasting relationship neither has been married or lived with a boyfriend nor have a child – REAL WARNING! THOSE ARE THE MOST DANGEROUS. Those are what I call „sex and the city girls“. Real hunters who see man as a business case and not as a partner. They are keen to go to bed strait the way and get as much as they can from him and when the person cannot be squeezed anymore then leave him. Usually those girls have a Lithuanian guy, usually married, who nobody (only very few of her friends) knows about him, and who is filling their emotional needs and get sex when there is nobody else around, everything without commitment. Those girls are high profile foreigner’s hunters.
    - She is complaining about your behaviors and telling you that Lithuanian man do this or don‘t do that. (So why she is not with a Lithuanian man?)
    - She is unemployed and telling you that she had a career but now she wants to start a business, but she is not clear about her project.
    - She has never lived abroad – Not the same to travel abroad for holidays
    - She is pushing you to learn Lithuanian at any cost and kicking your balls when you are not improving on it. (let‘s be honest, Lithuanian is more difficult that German)
    - She is telling you that she wants to spend the weekend in Palanga (beach town, very expensive)
    - She is telling you about her expensive tastes (mentioning brands) in clothing, cars, perfumes, jewelry and indirectly telling you what she wants for Christmas, birthday, etc.
    - She is driving an Audi, Mercedes or BMW and has a low paid job, she is freelancer or it is unemployed. – Barrakudas only drive those brands.
    - She is telling you that she feels old and/or frustrated because she does not have a child. Warning! Lithuanian girls have a lot of social pressure to get a child before 30. If a girl is telling this, she may be with you because she is expecting you to make her pregnant. Also she may be open to cheat on you if you can't make her pregnant.
    - She is presenting herself as high society girl; she says she is part of some association, club or something. Quite common they mention the Rotary club. (This club is very popular in Lithuania).
    - Her family is from a poor town. Be careful, girls in Lithuania are very attached to her families and pay attention about what her parents say. If she comes from a poor town, it is probably that her family is village people, very conservative and reluctant towards foreigners. So a girl with this kind of family will be bombed by her relatives about what she is doing with a foreigner and that she has to stop and marry a Lithuanian guy. Trust me; I have seen this many times.

    And NEVER, never move to Lithuania because a girl. 99% of foreigner men living in Vilnius came because they had a relationship with a Lithuanian girl, where she pushed him to move in and after a while, she left him. The success rate of couples who started and lasted after they re-joined in Lithuania is less than 1%. As said, Lithuanian girls are curious and they like to be with foreigners, but unless she has lived abroad for at least 2 years (Latvia doesn‘t count), your chances to get something lasting are very low. They are very stubborn regarding cultural differences and for them to understand why you wash dishes in the dishwasher instead of just rinse them with water is already a source of disagreement and fights. Lithuanian girls, especially those who never lived abroad, think that the only right way is the Lithuanian way and they will fight for that. Don‘t waste your time and life pursuing an illusion of a sexy blonde who will love you, Lithuanians only love your wallet.

  111. what about indian girls...I m planning to go there

  112. I would like to find friends who are lithuanian girls not russian!

  113. "Myth about Lithuanian girls: you can buy any girl you want"
    Myth, Lithuanian, buy, girls..!

    Whoever wrote this subject matter is the most derogatory asshole.. who is the loneliest self-sexual human creature with an IQ of his shoe size.. go ficckie your sissie fag..

  114. Stay away from Lithuanians for long term. Just hit and go or else you gonna regret sooner or later you let them into your life. They will only use it as an opportunity to destroy you totally before they walk away.
